Looking forward to sharing my #Wearables thoughts on Nov 18
I’ll be speaking about the wearables future and the opportunities we all can be a part of. Proud to take part and truly looking forward to the evening. Emerging TechTalks: Computing Innovation and the future of wearable technology The NSBE Boston Professionals and Black Techboston are pleased to present the Emerging TechTalks sponsored by Twitter Boston. Join us as we hear from cross-industry entrepreneurs, experts, and innovators on the future of technology and opportunities tech lovers need to know! This year’s TechTalks will features overview and discussion on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Wearables. This Emerging Technology Talk series will offer insight into the future of technology as seen through…
NH Innovation Nights 5 – November 4, 2015
[slickr-flickr tag=”nhin5″ type”gallery” thumbnail_size”small” attribution”Mike Cashion” size”large” items”50″] Photos by: Mike Cashion @mcashion03