Google Glass,  Health Care,  Learning,  Medicine

Google Glass at Pri-Med East

Pri-Med East

Unshackle Me: The Power of Google Glass to Liberate

[box]Pri-Med East Annual Conference – Panel Discussion
Date/time: Saturday September 13 12PM – 1:30PM
Location: Boston Convention and Exhibition Center


VectorSpect is pleased to present a panel discussion at the upcoming Pri-Med Annual Conference at Boston’s Convention and Exhibition Center(BCEC).

Working once again with our friends at, we’ve pulled together some of the most influential minds working on the integration of Google Glass with the everyday workflow of healthcare providers. Panelists include: Don Schwartz, Karandeep Singh, MD; Jennifer Joe, MD; Tristan Gorrindo, MD; Stephanie Shine, RN; and Carlos Rodarte. The session will open with a keynote and demo by Karandeep Singh, MD.

The Panelists

Karandeep Singh, MD, is a physician-developer in his Nephrology and Informatics fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital where he is developing a Google Glass EHR (electronic health record) prototype.

Karandeep Singh, MD
Karandeep Singh, MD

He has spoken at numerous venues about his work, including the recent Glass Symposium in Boston on April 23, 2014 at the Boston Google Headquarters and the recent Wearable Technology in Healthcare Society conference in Indianapolis on July 25, 2014. He is fluent in Javascript, JQuery, Python, PHP, R, STATA, SAS, HTML5, and CSS3; has experience with natural language processing tools, including NLTK, MetaMap, direct parsing of UMLS metathesaurus files, Stanford CoreNLP, OpenNLP, and ARC for cTAKES; and understands machine learning algorithms in R, Python, Weka, and Javascript.[hr]

Jennifer Joe, MD
Jennifer Joe, MD

Jennifer Joe, MD, is a Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) nephrology graduate turned physician entrepreneur CEO of, a new and innovative social network for physicians, and Editor-in-Chief of, who still regularly works the VA emergency room and urgent care clinics. Based in Kendall Square in Cambridge, the physical colliding point of the MIT/Harvard/MGH/Industry medtech community, she is best known for harnessing her inside knowledge of stealth projects being pioneered in the Boston academic hospitals and community to create meaningful discussions and connections to accelerate collaborations—such as being the creator of Boston’s first ever Google Glass Challenge.[hr]

Tristan Gorrindo, MD
Tristan Gorrindo, MD

Tristan Gorrindo, MD, is a Child Psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School. Additionally, he is the Director of the Division of Postgraduate Medical Education, the Massachusetts General Hospital Academy, and is Managing Director of the Clay Center for Young Minds. He is currently exploring the use of Glass in continuing medical education, exploring ways to reveal the experience of the patient in the hospital, and to improve psychiatry tele-consults.[hr]

Stephanie Shine, RN
Stephanie Shine, RN

Stephanie Shine, RN, is a Brigham and Women’s Hospital neonatal intensive care (NICU) nurse and early Google Glass Explorer. Most recently, she was the winner of Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s 2nd Annual Clinical Innovation Day for her Glass in the NICU Project, which was inspired by her own personal story. Last year, she herself was a new mother separated for 18 hours from her baby, who at less than two pounds was in the NICU. Her stress was relieved when her relatives brought Glass with them and let her see her baby even as she sat in another part of the hospital.[hr]

Carlos Rodarte
Carlos Rodarte

Carlos Rodarte is the Director of Business Development and the Director of Wearables and Biosensors for PatientsLikeMe, an innovative healthcare startup that builds online patient communities where patients share their health data, meet other patients like them, and learn about their disease. As Director of Wearables and Biosensors, he leads the exploration of information collected from patients with products like the FitBit, Withings, Jawbone, etc, ,and also how patients perceive and desire the use of wearables such as Google Glass in clinical practice.[hr]


don schwartz
Donald Schwartz

Donald Schwartz, a Google Glass Explorer since June 2013, is the organizer of the Wearables New England Meetup group (formerly Google Glass New England) and is responsible for introducing hundreds of developers, venture capitalists, students, physicians and other professionals who are working on the bleeding edge of wearable technologies. A marketing, eLearning and client support professional with over 20 years in the education and enlightenment of those who design our world. GIS, BIM, CAD and design professionals in many industries, Don has been a frequent lecturer at Autodesk University conferences.

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eLearning Consultant focused on Moodle for Enterprise Learning. A long time eMarketeer and lover of the handshake, Don is bringing both loves together through NH Innovation Nights and other networking groups such as Wearables New England Meetup group. Don's Innovator's Pod, podcast, is the latest offering for helping entrepreneurs get the word out.