My 1st Ever iTunes Podcast Submission Accepted
I’m excited. This is the first time I have ever submitted anything to iTunes®, and it was approved in a day! I perhaps should have waited until I had more episodes in the can, but I never expected to be accepted on my first try, with my very first podcast. Look for the publicized launch when we have 3 or more episodes. So, this has advantages. I’m starting the podcast hosted on my server, rather than one of the specialty hosts such as Libsyn. I can always move it once we are wildly popular, but for now, iTunes is more important. iTunes, Apple®, created podcasting and many times it will…
The Brains are Betting on Google Glass
Yes they are, according to a recent article over at Wired. The article titled, Sorry, But Google Glass Isn’t Anywhere Close to Dead, features Cambridge Neuroscientist Dr. Ned Sahin and the work he is doing with Glass and autism. Ned Sahin is betting the future of his company on Google Glass. Sahin is a cognitive neuroscientist with a PhD from Harvard and a masters from MIT, and he recently launched an ambitious startup called Brain Power, building Glass software to help autistic children learn some of the skills they need to interact with those around them. Ned’s company, Brain Power, is one of the bleeding edge developers who see Google Glass and other wearables…
NH Innovation Night – Feb 2015