Google Glass,  Travel

Hiking with #GoogleGlass #ThroughGlass

The Google+ Explorer Community is full of inspiring use cases for Glass, but it seems that the hands free camera as a chronicler of life is number one. We Explorers take lots of pics. A seriously large amount of pics and quite a number of videos too. Not having to pull out one’s phone or grab a camera is truly a freeing experience for those who love to capture the moments of our lives.

“Ok Glass, take a picture.” A shake of the head to activate Glass and that line gets a picture.

These photos were taken on a short, Thanksgiving day hike in Ithaca, NY. I had hiking sticks in both, gloved hands yet managed to take almost 40 pics and videos. Google Plus took some sequences and made panoramas, other photos were enhanced automatically with Google Auto awesome. The “Vignette” mode works by viewing a card such as weather and taking a photo to complete the overlay.

photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

photo 4

photo 5

Life. Glass is the tech which will not just allow, but will encourage everyone to chronicle theirs.

eLearning Consultant focused on Moodle for Enterprise Learning. A long time eMarketeer and lover of the handshake, Don is bringing both loves together through NH Innovation Nights and other networking groups such as Wearables New England Meetup group. Don's Innovator's Pod, podcast, is the latest offering for helping entrepreneurs get the word out.