Designer Ivy Ross to head Google Glass
Designer and Marketer, IVY Ross is the new head of the Google Glass project at GoogleX.
Here is the open letter sent to Glass Explorers.
A letter to our Glass Explorers, from the head of Glass
My name is Ivy Ross, and I’m excited to be joining Google on Monday, May 19 to lead our Glass efforts. With your help, I look forward to answering the seemingly simple, but truly audacious questions Glass poses: Can technology be something that frees us up and keeps us in the moment, rather than taking us out of it? Can it help us look up and out at the world around us, and the people who share it with us? I have spent my career–Calvin Klein, Swatch, Coach, Mattel, Bausch & Lomb, Gap and, most recently,–at the intersection of design and marketing, trying to answer questions like this in different ways, for different products. But Glass is especially cool, as no one has really tried to answer them with a product like this before. That’s our job, Explorers! I’m just getting started on Glass, but, because of all of you, and your thoughtful and smart feedback, I feel like I have an incredible head start. And I look forward to learning even more from you, and experiencing Glass together.
Ivy Ross
Ms. Ross is the former VP Marketing for GAP, Chief Creative Officer for the Disney Stores, SVP of Design for Mattel and many other design and marketing roles. Her appointment and her acceptance of the post are good news to supporters of the wearable technology. Google, Sergei, is committed to Glass and they understand enough to know they need a marketing and design focus not previously found at Google.