
Mass Innovation Nights 64 #MIN64

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I always enjoy events where smart people come to meet other smart people and make an effort to say “Hi I’m …”.

Mass Innovation Nights 64, held at the WaterTown Arsenal offices of Athena Health was such an event.  Of course I also love when people ask “is that Google Glass?”.  Bobbie Carlton and her team at Mass Inno have been doing this for well, 64 nights and they have the formula down.

You can read about the startups that presented and all the great sponsors over at the Mass Innovation Nights site, I just want to post some of my #ThroughGlass photos and let all my readers know that this is a monthly event to put on your calendar.  Go sign up for the newsletter.


Is that Google Glass
Is that Google Glass?
Startup Presentations
Startup Presentations
Jennifer Joe
Yes it's Glass
Yes it’s Glass
Lens Selfie
Lens Selfie
Exhibits Too
Exhibits Too
Athena Health
Our Wonderful hosts Athena Health

eLearning Consultant focused on Moodle for Enterprise Learning. A long time eMarketeer and lover of the handshake, Don is bringing both loves together through NH Innovation Nights and other networking groups such as Wearables New England Meetup group. Don's Innovator's Pod, podcast, is the latest offering for helping entrepreneurs get the word out.