Google Glass,  Moodle

Moot by Glass

I had the pleasure of joining a diverse group of Moodlers at Moodlemoot Baltimore 2013.  The Moot took place over 2 days and 3 nights at Loyola University Maryland.

The Moot sessions were excellent, but it is the people I go for and there was no lack of brilliance or diversity this week.  Here are a few of the over 200 photos I took with Google Glass.  The gallery is here and will be added to over the coming days.  Please feel free to download and share the pics.


eLearning Consultant focused on Moodle for Enterprise Learning. A long time eMarketeer and lover of the handshake, Don is bringing both loves together through NH Innovation Nights and other networking groups such as Wearables New England Meetup group. Don's Innovator's Pod, podcast, is the latest offering for helping entrepreneurs get the word out.