IT Security Consultant, Client Training Sites
SecurIT360, an IT security consultant, offers in-depth security training for their clients who’s employees must be kept current on latest threats and smart computing skills. We designed, built and deployed the initial EC2 site, then replicated for their multiple clients. Established the replication and configuration process.
Global Staffing Provider – Associate Onboarding
TEEMA is a global staffing organization which required a learning system for onboarding new associates. The Moodle site takes them through 12 weeks of intensive training followed by ongoing updates and skills management. We built the site, customized the theme, teach course builders and maintain the site 24×7.
AOA Continuing Education for Osteopathic Medicine
Design, development and ongoing management of a Moodle based site for Osteopathic Physicians and Students. The continuing medical education was supplied in raw form and we built the courses, moved through several testing phases then launched and managed the entire site for the first year. We fully trained the client in site administration and course creation.
Some recent editing projects
I’ve acted as “Technical Editor” for Packt on four Moodle publications. Tech editor tests and verifies the author’s processes and tools. Published in August 2018, Moodle Course Design Best Practices: Design and development, 2nd edition is a valuable update due to the major changes we saw in 3.2 through 3.5. A must read for the periodic Moodle course creator. Both of these earlier books are well written but I have to recommend the Gamification for anyone interested in learning how to apply game theory within a Moodle course.
iMoot 2015 Presentation
Looking forward to presenting at this year’s iMoot. http://goo.gl/bhytsX I’ll be showing the process for implementing a Google Hangout on Air within a Moodle course. iMoot is the virtual Moodle Symposium which runs 24×7 from Thursday May 28 through Monday June 1. I sure hope they don’t give me 3am. Click the image for details.
Moodlemoot New Orleans #MootUSLA13 Day one and Martin
First morning with a great group of educators and techs. Pics will come later. #MootUSLA13 #moodle Martin’s opening Keynote dove into some awesome futures but he mostly focused on areas and sites that are little known or used. First I want to recognize the incredible folks who make events like this a pleasure to attend. Thank you Moodleroomers
Learn Moodle for free
Heard Martin discuss this at moot and I highly recommend for anyone teaching with Moodle. Heck, it’s free. http://learn.moodle.net/ Teaching with Moodle: An introduction Registrations open 19th August 2013 This free course is designed for anybody who wants to use the Moodle learning platform for teaching, whether it be in a school, a university, a company or just personal interest! The four-week course is also a great opportunity to connect with the vibrant Moodle community dedicated to sharing resources, ideas and anything that could help inspire better teaching practices everywhere.
Moot by Glass
I had the pleasure of joining a diverse group of Moodlers at Moodlemoot Baltimore 2013. The Moot took place over 2 days and 3 nights at Loyola University Maryland. The Moot sessions were excellent, but it is the people I go for and there was no lack of brilliance or diversity this week. Here are a few of the over 200 photos I took with Google Glass. The gallery is here and will be added to over the coming days. Please feel free to download and share the pics.
iMoot 2013
Since Tuesday, I’ve been attending the International iMoot and I’m quite amazed at how much I’ve learned. What is an iMoot you ask? Moodle (open source learning management system) conferences are call Moodle Moots. An iMoot is a virtual, online conference that runs 24 hours a day with keynotes and presentations by users and experts from all around the globe. There are also forums and the live presentations include a lively chat. So I’ve watched sessions in the middle of the day and a couple at 3 am and 5 am. I could see the recordings later on but the chat is truly incredible and I love to converse with…