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    Filling Glass – Google Glass Hackathon

    Network, Code, Learn, Eureka Join us in Manchester, NH for a Saturday of hacking applications for Google Glass. Basically, this will be an all day hack in the very cool offices of DYN, in the Manchester Millyard.  We’ll start with a completely optional meet, greet and planning session on Friday night, then spend all day Saturday from 9am until 6pm working on whatever cool Glassware is dreamed up. There will be teams and there will be prizes of some sort (lots of recognition for sure). We will also shuttle Boston area students up from Wellington and back. Everyone must register HERE and that includes free press, students and glass explorers.

  • Google Glass,  Meetups,  New Hampshire

    Google Glass NH Meetup

    We had an awesome turnout at Dyn Thursday evening.   4 Glass Explorers and about 30 dreamers from kids to developers amd teachers. I opened by asking if I could take their picture and my screencasted view on the big screen took the photo.  I’ll add that later to a gallery.  Josh Cyr gave a presentation all about Glass, then we passed the Glass so everyone had a chance to try them on. We had 3 or 4 kids join their parents and the look on the faces was incredible and of course their were many, many selfies taken. [nggallery id=4]